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Tag Archives: B2B email marketing

17 Smart B2B Marketing Tips for 2017


b2b marketing tips for 2017

As 2016 draws to a end, it’s nearly time to close the books and open the bubbly. In the spirit of the New Year, we’d like to send you off with 17 (yes 17!) of our best B2B marketing tips for 2017. These 17 tips cover the top tools, strategies, and marketing advice that will help carry you confidently into the new year. So brush up on everything from Marketing Plans to deciding whether or not to hire an SEO Specialist. Then grab a glass, and set your own plans in motion.

17 Smart B2B Marketing Tips for 2017

Marketing Strategy

1. Make sure you have these 3 key ingredients in your 2017 marketing plan to start off a successful year.


2. Get answers to the burning questions about B2B taglines that you were too afraid to ask.

3. Find your brand’s voice. It’s important to know it like the back of your hand before you start advertising.


4. Find the right mix of B2B lead-generating content.

5. Add some spice to your B2B content while keeping it effective.

6. (Finally) understand the difference between inbound and content marketing.

Social Media

7. Consider a tiered social media strategy for your company’s brands or global locations.

8. Take advantage of free tools for curating social media content.

Email Marketing

9. Fine-tune your email segmentation game, and watch your CTR go up.

10. Try breaking up with unresponsive contacts — the results might surprise you.

11. Kick high email bounce rates to the curb.


12. Use this simple trick to streamline your advertising messages and visuals.

13. Create a snazzy yet cost-effective marketing video for your company.

Media Buying

14. Cultivate relationships with your industry trade publications.

15. Feed your sales funnel with the right creative media mix.


16. Keep these important changes in mind when building your 2017 search campaigns.

17. Consider bringing an SEO specialist on board.

With these tips in hand, you can march your brand confidently into 2017. Now, go open up a bottle of champagne, and say cheers to another year in the books! We hope 2017 finds you healthy, happy, and successful. Happy New Year!

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B2B Monday Myth: Unsubscribes Are Bad


are email unsubscribes bad

The Myth: Unsubscribes Are Bad

The Truth: Unsubscribes Can Become One of Your Greatest Email Marketing Tools

You may look at the number of unsubscribes after you send out an email and do a victory dance because your unsubscribe rate is low. Or, you might fret over high unsubscribe rates. But the question is: Are Email Unsubscribes Bad? Not necessarily.

Contrary to popular belief, unsubscribes are not always bad news. When prospects opt out from your emails, it means you’ve cut people from your list with little to no interest in your product or service. And you did it without moving a muscle. This paints a clearer picture of which prospects are interested — and that will translate into higher conversion rates down the road.

Here Are 3 Silver Linings You Can Find In Your Unsubscribe List:

  1. You’ll Save Time and Money. There’s no glory in having 1,000,000 people on your email list if only a small percentage is engaging with your content or even interested in what you have to say. When people unsubscribe, it’s usually because they are uninterested and unlikely to convert, not because your campaign is flawed or off-base. This leads to a more condensed but higher-quality list, allowing you to increase the focus on your target audience. Homing in on interested prospects will save you time and money down the road, since you won’t be following up unnecessarily with cold leads.
  2. You Can Learn More About Your Target. When your list condenses, it allows you to get to know your target audience better. You can fine-tune your content and even rework products based on the feedback and behavior of this tighter, more interested audience. With more accurate information, your marketing team will be more successful with converting subscribers into lasting buyers.
  3. You Can Learn More About Your Email Practices. Look at unsubscribes as an opportunity to learn more about how you can improve your email practices by asking why they are unsubscribing. If you have a high unsubscribe rate and they tell you they feel bombarded by your emails, pull back a bit. If they are frustrated because your emails aren’t mobile-friendly, you’ll need to change your email design. High unsubscribe rates can happen for lots of reasons, so use unsubscribes as a tool to improve your email efforts.

You also don’t need to wait for people to unsubscribe to cull down your list. Interested in parting ways with uninterested readers? It might be time for some breakup emails. Check out these tips on how to write one. Saying goodbye can be hard, but sometimes it’s best for business.

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Mobile vs. Desktop: Which Screens Reach B2B Customers?


When considering your B2B digital marketing strategy for 2016, it’s important to think about which screens reach your customers and when. The hot topic this year was Mobile vs. Desktop, the debate centering around the incredible growth of mobile, and rightly so with usage finally surpassing desktop and the unfurling of Google’s Mobilegeddon. But it is important to understand the usage habits of your specific B2B audience in order to make the right choices in your marketing program.


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