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B2B Monday Myth: My Company Doesn’t Need Visual Content


using visual b2b content

The Myth: My Company Doesn’t Need Visual Content

The Truth: B2B Brands Should Increase Emphasis on Visual Content Marketing

Now more than ever, our world is flooded with content. This leaves B2B brands struggling to have their voice heard in a crowded marketplace and stand out from competitors. Well maybe it’s time to focus less on being heard and more on being seen. 

Simply put, visuals help us to remember things. According to HubSpot, when people hear or read information, they’re probably only going to remember 10 percent of that information three days later. But if a relevant image is presented with that same information, people retain 65 percent of the information after the same three days. This statistic has huge implications. Many people think visuals are only important for consumer brands — but these rules are universal. Visual content is just as important in targeting B2B brands as it is for a clothing or lifestyle brand.

HubSpot also indicated that only 50 percent of B2B markets are treating visual content as a priority. So how can you make your company stand on the right side of the divide? Worry not — there are some simple ways you can incorporate visual content into your plan that don’t require too much time, money or resources.

Here Are Four Tactics to Get You Started:

Infographics. If you’re looking to shift your focus to visual content but want to keep your marketing as informational as possible, the infographic is still one of the most effective visual content formats. Studies show that our eyes are drawn to information that encompasses visuals. In fact, infographics are “liked” and shared on social media three times more than other types of content.

Instagram. Many B2B brands have shied away from Instagram in the past. But it is gaining more popularity, and with good reason. Instagram allows you to take gritty fields like manufacturing and make them beautiful and interesting. And it’s an appealing platform for millennial buyers and decision makers with short attention spans (and anyone with little time to spare).

Tweets with Photos. Since users scroll through social media quickly and sometimes mindlessly, a tweet that only consists of text is not as likely to catch anyone’s eye. Tweeted images are shared and liked much more frequently than just text. It’s also important to remember that visual content is key to helping you define your brand’s look, feel, and overall personality.

Article Images. Many B2B companies produce blog or article content to share knowledge about their company or industry. The photos accompanying your content are just as important as what you write. Try putting an image at the beginning of every article. You might also want to include photos within the story to break things up and let the reader breathe. Use a variety of images — graphs and charts, stock photos, cartoons, memes, and screenshots.

Visual content marketing is here to stay. These are just a few of the easy ways to make your B2B content come alive visually while still keeping things informative and relevant.

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