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B2B Monday Myth: No One Is Receptive to B2B Marketing Over a Holiday Weekend


4th of july b2b marketing

The Myth: No One is Receptive to B2B Marketing Over a Holiday Weekend

The Truth: That 4th of July Email Might Be Much More Well-Received Than You Thought

Holiday weekends in the summer usually mean a few things: Fireworks. Sun (hopefully). Swimming. Maybe a few beers, a trip to the beach, or grilling hamburgers out on the deck.

For most people, it doesn’t mean a day in the office, being stuck inside responding to email. or dialing into a call. But that doesn’t mean you can’t turn the holiday into an opportunity. Occasions like 4th of July weekend are actually the perfect time to reach out with an email campaign. Why? Because what you don’t achieve in mass, you’ll make up for in quality. Prospects who actively engaging with your emails over holiday weekends have taken time out of their holiday weekend to read what you have to say.

Here Are Some Marketing Tips for July 4th Weekend:

  1. Make It Count. If someone is opening your email over the holiday weekend, they are genuinely interested in what you’re offering. Give them some meat instead of holiday “fluff.”
  2. Establish the Context: Even if you are writing a substantial email, you may actually be able to find a link between your brand and the holiday. If you’re in an industry that embodies American innovation and quality, emphasize this!
  3. Make a Special Offer: This is one area in which we can take a lesson from consumer marketing, especially where holidays are involved. If you want to introduce a brand new product or service, or offer a limited-time deal, holidays are a great time to do this. And the relaxed holiday mood we all get into might refresh and energize your client enough to make them want to look into new decisions once they get back into the office.
  4. Think for Mobile: Even if your prospects are out on the deck, many have their phones an arm’s reach away. You should assume that your audience will be receiving your email on their mobile device, so keep this in mind as you decide on format. Don’t forget a snappy — and preferably short — subject line to catch their attention.
  5. Coordinate Your Social Media: A full-fledged social campaign might not be necessary for every holiday, but your message will be reinforced tremendously if you can coordinate your different channels. If you email out a summer holiday message, repeat the same message on your Twitter and Facebook feed. You can get more lighthearted with your content here as well, complementing your substantial email with some fun posts that really show your brand’s personality. Bonus: this is an easy way to incorporate some eye-catching color into your posts and your timeline.

Remember That B2B Decision Makers Are People Too

You’re targeting businesses with your marketing, but that doesn’t mean your audience isn’t made up of real people. And everyone enjoys a well-meaning message every now and then, just so they know you’re thinking about them, the customer. While holidays are always a time to advertise deals and encourage sales, it’s also the perfect opportunity just to simply wish your clients well. On that note, have a very Happy 4th of July!

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