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B2B Monday Myth: Customer Service Isn’t Important for Brand Identity


customer service for B2B brand identity

The Myth: Customer Service Has Nothing to Do with My B2B Brand Identity

The Truth: Building Brand Loyalty Requires Robust Support and Engagement

A brand is more than just a logo or a message on a company website. A brand is a combination of several different things, including the way a business interacts with its clients and how the clients feel about the product or service.  If it’s been taking a back seat in your marketing strategy, it’s time to consider how customer service for B2B brand identity can help.

Customer service is not a just a department.

Many companies make the mistake of thinking that once a transaction is made, their job is done. But brand building doesn’t stop when the sale is complete. Following up with customers and maintaining a relationship with them is just as important. It ensures that your customers feel positively about your business, encourages them to come back, and even creates raving fans that will market your product for you. Positive brand perception requires authentic interactions that engage.  Your marketing strategy should rely on customer service for B2B brand identity to accomplish it.

There are several different strategies for continuing to interact with your client base to earn their trust and build brand loyalty:

  • Define yourself through action.Ultimately, the quality of your business is determined by your actions. Clearly identify your company’s purpose and customer support standards. This culture code should be carried out through every level of your company, from top to bottom. In today’s world, it’s not just about what your brand says — it’s about what you do.
    Be transparent and available. This is your opportunity to show customers they can rely on you. Be reachable by phone, email, or social media when other companies aren’t. Contact information should be easily available, especially a call center number. This lets customers know there are real people behind your brand — an online FAQ page just isn’t sufficient. Further more, these interactions display what your company is about, and determines what customers say about your business. Own up to any mistakes, and make sure that every support call ends successfully.
  • Engage on social media. Most business are active online, so use this to your advantage. Engage in genuine conversation with your customers on social media. Personal messages and replies are most likely to increase brand loyalty and awareness. Online communities aren’t just for consumers — businesses also turn to the internet to ask questions, provide answers, and share knowledge about a product or service.
  • Encourage feedback. Finally, every brand needs a system to track customer feedback. The most successful companies are often marked by their willingness to let customers speak out about their experiences — positive or negative. Making a customer feel acknowledged will build their trust and help you understand where you might not have met a their expectations.

Customer service is often looked at as something specific only to consumer brands. It’s also the task that many B2B companies dread handling. However, it’s just as important for B2B. Use it to your advantage and elevate the perception of your brand. Start to amp up your customer service for B2B brand identity, and companies will continue to bring their business to you time after time.

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The LinkedIn Lead Generation Tool You Should Try Right Now


Two big product announcements have come out of LinkedIn over the past couple of months, one of which your manufacturing company can take advantage of right now. First, the leading social media network for professionals leaked that in November 2017, “Matched Audiences” will enable LinkedIn advertisers to target users based on their web activity and email addresses. And good timing – these options are already available on Twitter, Facebook, and other social sites. Unfortunately, you still have a few months to go before trying this particular feature. But here’s one you can put to use immediately. B2B companies, rejoice: there’s a new function currently available to LinkedIn advertisers: a LinkedIn lead generation tool.

LinkedIn Lead Generation ToolJust In Time

This roll out comes at an opportune time for LinkedIn, who is historically behind the ball when it comes to ad offerings. Twitter, the second most popular B2B social media channel for content distribution, has just sunset its lead generation ad format after several years of stagnancy. And while Facebook continues to offer a similar lead generation ad format, its use by 76% B2B organizations for content distribution pales in comparison to LinkedIn’s 89%. The professional social media network is in a rare position to lead the pack in, well, leads.

For now, the new LinkedIn lead gen ads are available on mobile devices only. And with almost 80% of social media time spent on mobile today, it’s not a bad move. (Though a desktop version will likely roll out eventually.) Thinking about getting started? Here are a few ways to use the new LinkedIn lead generation tool.

3 Ways to Use the New LinkedIn Lead Generation Tool

  1. White paper downloads. LinkedIn is effectively removing two steps from the traditional 3-step process of 1) advertising your white paper on LinkedIn, 2) directing users to a form fill page on your website, and 3) requiring users to fill out and submit a form to download. Now, users don’t need to leave the confines of LinkedIn to complete steps 2 and 3. And better yet, using their LinkedIn profile information, the form is largely autofilled.
  2. Webinar registrations. Like the example from this VentureBeat article, these lead gen ads give users a quick, easy way to sign up for online events like webinars. And LinkedIn content ads resemble regular posts – featuring social engagements right on the ad, including the ability to share. This social vote of confidence can work as extra incentive for users to sign up.
  3. Freebies. What if you could hand select which trade show visitors stopped by your booth for a branded lanyard? With LinkedIn ads, you can target based on demographics, down to which company users work for. And with new lead generation ads, you can offer these targeted users unique experiences and materials that will truly benefit their business, from consultations to a trial run of your product.

Most pieces of content that requires users to register for can be applied to the new LinkedIn lead generation tool. It’s important to remember, though, that until LinkedIn begins offering integrations with CRMs, you still need to download all collected leads from LinkedIn’s campaign manager. From there, they can be entered into your database and mailing list. Most importantly, into registering for whichever piece of content inspired them to click in the first place.

Can you see your company using this new LinkedIn lead generation tool? Need help getting started? Drop us a line.

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Live Video for B2B: Why It’s Time to Get on Board


live video for b2bIt’s official. Now that YouTube has finally joined it’s compadres and has begun offering live video, it’s time to start thinking about how your B2B brand can leverage it. If you haven’t started using the live video features already available from Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook Live or Periscope, it’s not too late to start. But why should you incorporate live video for B2B into your marketing strategy? And more importantly, what kind of content do you need?

Think Big Fish, Small Pond.

When it comes to live video, B2C brands have robustly adopted this tool as part of their strategy. B2B brands, however, have been historically slow on the uptake. Translation? Your brand has an opportunity to stand out against your competitors – the sooner, the better. If adding yet another social media tactic to your brand strategy seems overwhelming, there’s something you should keep in mind.  This lull won’t last forever. The first B2B brands to begin using live video will reap the biggest gains on reach, engagement, and return. Fortunately, adding live video is nowhere near as daunting as it sounds.

With live video, your followers can comment and ask questions in real time. And live testimonials both build trust and increase your conversions. Watching live video with other consumers creates a sense of community amongst your audience that they associate with your brand. The in-the-moment nature of live video encourages feedback in real time, and can be compellingly shareable. And because live video is off-the-cuff, your B2B stands to gain a level of familiarity with your audience that’s hard to attain through more traditional marketing tactics.

Lights, Smartphone, Action.  

The good news is live video is easy for any marketing department to produce: all you need is a decent smartphone, and you’re ready to roll. And there’s no shortage of ideas for live video for your B2B brand. Still need some inspiration? Here are a few to get the ball rolling:

  • Ask The Expert: host an interactive live interview with one of your company’s experts and open the floor for a live Q&A.
  • Up Your Customer Service: livestream a video dedicated solely to customer assistance and quality assurance.
  • The Big Reveal: build some buzz for a new product or service with a live video revealing your new offering.
  • Testify: interview a satisfied customer and get a live testimonial.
  • Take Your Clients With You: live stream from major industry events and conferences.
  • Go Behind the Scenes: show your customers your company, introduce them to your employees, and give your B2B some life.

Live video may seem daunting at first, but with a little practice, it will become as easy as any other tool in your social arsenal. And with live video taking increasing ownership of internet traffic, the time to start using it is now.

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