For Time’s Sake: Repurpose Your Long-Form B2B Content

by MGB2B

how to use white papers

Creating good content is a time investment. This is especially true in business-to-business marketing, where the typical length of a white paper is 6 to 10 pages if not more. What goes into those pages? Research. Statistics. Testimonials. Sweat, and maybe some tears, too.  And then – it’s done. The fruit of your labor is sent out via press release or company email and that’s it. It’s over. Right? Wrong.

You do value your time, right?

Think about that white paper not as a single piece of content, but as a rich puzzle with dozens of pieces, easily distributed through your network of social media channels and blog. Start off by choosing your favorite stat or fact from the white paper. If you found it compelling, your blog subscribers likely will, too. And better yet: the research is already done. Aside from massaging the wording and tone to appeal to your blog’s audience, you have a ready-made blog entry rearing to go.

If that doesn’t get you fired up, then you must really enjoy getting bogged down with the hours of research that go into a blog. Again, you do value your time, right??

Next, boil every stat in your white paper down to 140 characters (leaving room for the link to your white paper download page, of course) and voila – fresh, compelling Twitter content. Don’t forget to include a few eye-catching photos, too. For as long as your white paper lives on your website, you can and should feature a few of these tweets every week to attract new readers – and leads – to your website.

From here, opportunities abound to shake up your white paper’s content for the weeks, even months, to come. Share a two-minute video interview with the customer you featured in your testimonial. Turn part (or all) of your white paper into a podcast that can be downloaded from your website. (And while you’re at it, check out some podcasts related to your industry and explore sponsorship opportunities.) Create a snazzy infographic out of all the stats. Get creative, and your customers, followers, and leads will appreciate it – and share it, too.

If you’ve gotten to this paragraph, we’ve established that you do in fact value your time. It’s your most valuable (and irreplaceable) asset, so make the most of it the next time you sit down to create a white paper. Map out all the ways you can repurpose your long-form B2B content, and your blog and social media wells will be stocked with valuable, lead-generating material.


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