Are Podcasts the New Webinars?

by MGB2B

podcast vs webinar

Podcasts are seeing their first significant growth since their birth over ten years ago, but could they be the new webinar to B2B publishers? With the wild success of consumer podcast, Serial, broadcasters and publishers are jumping into this space, from Buzzfeed to the new master of podcasting, NPR. Mass media company iHeartMedia (formerly Clear Channel) recently hosted their own “SoundFront” to announce their own series of original audio programming.

So could podcasts be the next big resource tool for the B2B audience? It is a likely possibility. B2B publishers generally follow consumer technology trends. While there is still heavy reliance on print and more traditional media because of the aging work force, more and more boomers are reaching retirement age. And, to reach up-and-coming directors and c-level employees, the B2B world is in need of fresh vehicles for content beyond webinars and whitepapers.

So how can your business prepare to incorporate audio content into your marketing mix?

  1. Spend some time researching what audio content is out there in your category. What are your competitors doing? What are top industry experts saying? Get to know the media so you understand it and can stay on top of trends.
  2. Consider sponsorship of existing podcasts. Many major B2B publishers are already offering this as an advertising opportunity, like engineering magazine, Design World. Also, look to your trade groups to see if your brand can be part of their podcast series, like the American Institute of Architects AIA Podnet. Even if there are not existing sponsorships, don’t be afraid to approach the creator about being involved.
  3. Evaluate your resources and bandwidth to determine whether your company might consider creating its own podcast. This is a great way to show thought leadership in your category. But be sure you have a solid strategic plan in order to avoid wasting valuable time and money. Podcasts require the right content, delivered by the right voice(s), and need to be marketed the right way.
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