Create B2B Emails that Stand Out

by MGB2B

As we all know by now, a consistent email campaign should be a part of your marketing mix. But, just sending out a hodgepodge of information or sporadic news items is not enough. You need to craft not only a smart message, but one that looks professional as well. Below are the top 3 tips for creating effective B2B email marketing campaigns that are bound to stand out.

1. Be direct

In your subject line (64% of readers won’t even open the email if the subject doesn’t resonate), in your body copy – everywhere. Get straight to the point. Your readers are being inundated with marketing messages and spam from your competitors and dozens of other sources every day. Be clear on who you are and why you are reaching out to them. Email is not the time for clever or vague concepts that make the reader think harder than they need to.

effective b2b email marketing2. Be visual

Pictures help sell. You want to support your article, product announcement, amazing insight, etc. with some visuals that will make the reader want to see more. Still, you absolutely need to tell people why you are contacting them, because some email clients won’t pre-load your images and for some clients that do, it’s only once the reader has ok’d you as a source. When considering visuals and layout in general, it is extremely important to be mindful of how the user is viewing your email. More and more people are checking their email from their phones. Avoid, a layout with multiple columns of content and busy visuals, and make sure that you have a responsive design that will be screen size aware.

3. Be quick

Your email should not be the reader’s final destination. If you are writing a review on a product or service, your email should only contain the opening few sentences as a tease with a link to a relevant page on your site. There are two reasons for this: first, you can track the reader’s click through activity to see if they are really interested (i.e. a potential customer); and second, once you have them on your website, you are placing the reader in an environment where they can learn about you and your products.

An effective B2B email marketing program will show your potential customers that your business is an active, successful thought leader in the industry. Ensuring that your message is direct and “dressed to impress” puts you in a position to make an impact, and a sale, with every email.

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