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Category Archives: Sales Advice

How Social Media Can Increase Your Chances at Winning the Bid


personal branding for commercial construction

A young go-getter applies to join your commercial construction company’s management team. What is the first thing you do after scanning his resume? You’re probably going to look him up online, maybe check out his social media profiles. After all, what he posts publicly can be a good indication of his interests and how he’ll conduct himself on the job.

When you submit a bid, your potential customers are probably doing some research of their own. They’ll visit your social media pages, browse your website, and they might even go a step further and research you, the company’s leadership.


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What’s Wrong with Your B2B Sales Pitch?


b2b sales pitch

We’ve all been there. You come out of a sales pitch and you know something was off. Or you think you did pretty well, but find out later that the group you pitched to chose another company. Well here’s  a checklist that might help next time you go in for the win.


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