B2B Monday Myth: Social Media Does Not Generate Quality Leads

by MGB2B

generate b2b leads on social media

The Myth: Social media does not generate quality B2B leads.

The Truth: B2B companies are finding (and converting) leads on social.

Contrary to popular belief, social media is not limited to social interaction alone. It serves as a useful marketing tool for managing and enhancing lead acquisition. B2B businesses can use social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Facebook to interact with potential customers and generate leads. And once B2B leads have been acquired on social media, they are 13% more likely to convert than leads found by other tactics. In order to generate B2B leads on social media, follow these three tips:

  1. Create compelling content. Keeping your audience engaged (and growing) is crucial to generating new leads. Create and curate content for your social media channels that your audience will find useful, interesting, and/or entertaining. Running low on content ideas? Here are 5 simple ways to make your content more effective on social.
  2. Track what content is the most effective. While keeping a steady stream of content flowing on your social channels is important, simply publishing without analyzing could lead you to repeat mistakes. Track what content is working by looking at clicks through to your website and interactions on each channel. If long-form articles are not generating much attention, consider adapting to a form that is easier to digest, like video content, and vice versa.
  3. Commit to social media and be reliable.  If you are connecting with potential leads one day, you cannot abandon the effort the next day. The worst thing a B2B marketer can do is go radio silent on social media. Effective social media use requires commitment and constant diligence. Make sure you respond to leads in a timely manner and post new content regularly.

With these tips in mind, you can launch into your week focused on generating new, quality leads on social media. Good luck, and Happy Monday!

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