5 Ways Smart B2B Marketers Prepare for Q4

by MGB2B

b2b marketing plan for Q4 2016We’re officially into September, and while the long Labor Day Weekend beckons, there are a few things smart B2B marketers should do before closing up shop. Check these off your list so you can sit back, relax, and confidently march toward Q4.

Here are 5 smart ways to kick your B2B marketing plan for Q4 2016 into high gear:

  1. Follow these 8 steps to find your brand’s voice.
  2. Try AdRoll Call and Callout extensions to connect with your audience through search.
  3. Use this trick to create more effective B2B ads.
  4. Perfect your B2B email segmentation strategy.
  5. Make your social media content more effective.
  6. BONUS: Don’t fall victim to these common B2B marketing myths.

Before you know it, Q4 will be here in full force. Make sure you’re ready by following the advice above. Looking for more? Mascola B2B Marketing has been helping businesses succeed since 1987. Drop us a line to see how we can help you grow in Q4 and beyond!

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