Never Mix Your Politics with Your B2B Publicity Stunt

by Vin DiGioia

How to execute a B2B Publicity Stunt

Want to generate some positive PR for your biotech brand and endear yourself to the local workforce?  Here’s one way not to execute a B2B publicity stunt:

Recently, here in Connecticut, a local biotech manufacturer actually decided to halt its proposed expansion plans in the state simply because – whether intentionally or not – Connecticut’s governor didn’t use their product.

As the story goes, Governor Dannel Malloy received a flu shot made by an overseas company instead of an alternate flu vaccine developed by Meriden, CT-based Protein Sciences Corp.  In response to this, Protein Sciences Corp’s president Don Adams went on the record, claiming “the governor’s actions have left Protein Sciences no choice but to go to New York.”  Sounds like a joke, right?  It’s not.  He’s serious.

At the end of the day, what this does sound like is that Mr. Adams is using Governor Malloy’s “misstep” as part of a poorly orchestrated attempt at generating some press for his company.  Unfortunately, the old adage that “any press is good press” does not apply here. (For the record, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: never mix politics and business.)

When navigating the waters of publicity and promotion, B2B brands should keep the following critical factors in mind:

  1. Have a goal – What are you looking to accomplish? Whatever it is, make sure it is clearly defined beforehand.
  2. Have a strategy – How are you going to achieve the above goal? Spray-and-pray is not an option here. Having a tactical strategy will enable you to ensure that your message gets in front of the right audience.
  3. Have a plan for addressing the media – A well-executed B2B publicity stunt will likely draw some coverage (print/online, TV, radio, etc.) Have a designated spokesperson who is trained on how to properly respond to inquiries – specifically those surrounding your planned stunt.
  4. Have a spin – As the saying goes: The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.  You’ve generated the buzz, but what if your strategy backfires or doesn’t produce the desired result? Always, be prepared to spin it into a positive.

At this juncture, Protein Sciences Corp has probably reached the stage where it’s time to start spinning and begin damage control on their B2B publicity stunt  – before they begin to alienate customers and prospects look in other directions.


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