What Every HVAC Company Needs to Know About Email

by MGB2B

email programs for HVAC companies

Email Programs for HVAC Companies – Are You Doing It Right?

As the owner of an HVAC company, you may already have an email program in place for your marketing outreach. The question is: what can you do to make it work better? Here’s a checklist of the most important email marketing improvements for HVAC companies to take into consideration:

  1. Segmentation. HVAC companies have three main business-to-business audiences – contractors, property managers, and building operations managers. But each audience thinks about HVAC a little differently than the next. Initial cost, efficiency, quality – these are just a few of the things on your target audiences’ minds. The key is to research each segment and know what they value most, so that your emails and the content they link to are reaching the right audience with the right message (and getting better results).
  2. Mobile Friendly Design. A lot of business owners know about the importance of responsive design for websites. But many don’t realize that this is also important for email marketing, especially since 48% of email opens occur on mobile phones. Email design needs to be simple and appealing to the eye, regardless of which device it is being viewed on.
  3. Easy Navigation (aka Big Buttons). When your email is opened, your contractors and building managers need to know exactly where to click to get the information they want. If you have three different pieces of content you want to drive your audience to on your website, just show a little teaser copy about what they’ll read. Then put a call to action on a prominently displayed (yet tastefully designed) button to show them exactly where to get the meat they are looking for.
  4. Smart Subject Lines. Before you get them to click, you need to get them to open your email. Segmentation will help with that; a good subject line will help even more. Questions, Top Tens, and subject lines that suggest a secret the opener might learn have proven to be successful. But it largely depends on audience. The best thing to do is test your subject lines and see what your audience responds to most – both within a campaign and over time. Then fine-tune your subject line generation with each new email you send.
  5. Insightful Content. If your targets click on your email and find it takes them to weak content or content that is irrelevant to them, you increase the chances of losing your prospect. Make sure you pay off your email teaser copy and offer insights that they may not have considered before.

These 5 improvements alone can do wonders for an HVAC email marketing program, but there are always more ways to take your email game to the next level. Need a more customized approach? Drop us a line.

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