7 Ways to Capture Your B2B Audience Before They Click Away

by MGB2B

B2B Audience
In a world where attention spans are getting shorter, first impressions count more.  We know that what you want to tell your B2B audience is important, but do they? Your content—be it on your website, digital ads, or social media—has mere seconds to register before those eyeballs move on. So what’s the best way to make a good impression? We’re laying out the 7 places to focus to get the job done fast.

1. Your Tagline

This is the phrase your customers are going to remember you by, and it’s got a lot of heavy lifting to do. It’s a catchy, memorable, short phrase that sums up your brand mission, promise, and product or service. It needs to be simple and remain consistent. (Think Nike: Just Do It or Avis: We Try Harder).

2. Your Headlines

A headline is like marketing for your marketing. If it’s not clear, concise, powerful, or persuasive, no one will dive any deeper.  Keep in mind, the headline you write for your blog post and the headline you write for your Facebook Ad are different animals, so there isn’t always a one-size-fits-all strategy. Websites, content articles, and ad campaigns all have different jobs to do, so headlines can and should vary under an overarching theme. This means you need to know what your viewers expect to consume and how they consume it as well as what you want them to do before you can craft yours.

3. Your Subheadings

People don’t read.  They scan. So your subheadings need to do quick work to let the reader know what they’re in for if they stick around. The main subhead supports your headline and therefore should emphasize and explain your unique selling proposition. Other subheadings can be used strategically, in the same way, to break up your content, depending on what form of media you are using.

4. Your Copy.

Whether they’re on your homepage or on your social post text copy, these summations tease the rest of your content. Done well, and they’ll convince your audience to continue reading and/or watching. Done poorly, well… you know.

5. Your Visuals

We live in a visual era. Your B2B audience, which is growing ever younger by the way, has been fed a steady diet of high-quality visual content and have come to expect it. Old product photos, bad lighting, dated art, and poor creative design can make you (and your company) seem woefully out of date. Clean, well-designed, and enticing visuals, on the other hand, both capture your viewers’ attention and convey a brand that’s professional and current.

6. Your Web Design

Just like with visuals, audiences have a certain expectation when visiting websites. Smooth eye flow, simple navigation, and fast answers are what they want. And having a website that’s not optimized for mobile at this point shouldn’t even be an option.

7. Your Brand Personality

The tone of your content impacts your audience’s desire to keep reading or watching. How you use it will vary per channel, but the first step in creating consistency begins with a defined brand personality. This is derived by understanding the keywords that best describe your brand’s character if it was a real human being. How do you want your B2B audience to perceive you? How does your brand make them feel? Is your brand clever, helpful, inspirational, humorous, authoritative—or a combination? To arrive at this insight, you’ll need both hard user data and a bit of marketing intuition. Once you have your brand personality developed, you can use that to create a voice that resonates with the buyers you want.

When every second counts for your B2B audience, you need your marketing to do the same. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be insurmountable—especially if you start by tackling the above. Want more B2B tips? Follow us on LinkedIn.

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