5 Critical Questions for Commercial Construction Websites

by MGB2B

commercial construction website designIf you own a commercial construction company, you no doubt realize the importance of having a website. You know you need a place to drive prospects so they can see your work, what services you offer, and hopefully ask you for an estimate. But not all commercial construction website design is created equal – and it’s more important than ever that your website stands out against your competitors’.

Here are 5 critical questions to ask of your Commercial Construction website to ensure that it is as effective as possible:

  1. Does it clearly show how a customer should contact me? A lot of times companies bury their Contact call-to-action at the bottom of the page or some other spot not easily seen by prospects. “Contact” should be very visible on your home page (and every page) and should drive prospects to a lead capture page that can collect all of the information you need.
  2. Is my website responsive? Do people look you up on their phone and need to pinch and zoom in order to read your content? Then you probably just lost a ton of customers. A responsive site – an absolute must-have in 2015 –allows your website to morph into whatever device people are viewing it on. You don’t need one desktop and one mobile site – you only need one responsive site; that way you only have to make updates once, saving a ton of time and/or money.
  3. Are my photos the best quality they can be? The first thing prospects will want to see is your work. It’s important that you lead with the jobs you’re most proud of, not necessarily the most recent. Ideally, these will be professionally shot – the best that your budget will allow. If professional photography is not within your budget, see if you can trade services with a photographer. You never know who is in need of construction work.
  4. Does my site tell people why I am better than my competitors? Do you offer superior quality? Are you the only company in the area who does a certain type of project? Figure out what makes you stand out, and make sure website visitors fully understand the difference between what you and your competitors have to offer.
  5. Do I need video? Do you need it? No. But it certainly can’t hurt. As long as it’s well-produced and makes sense for your brand. Video for the sake of video is meaningless. Video that highlights your capabilities or empowers and/or entertains your prospects in some way can be useful and likely has a place either on your website or elsewhere online. Video is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Your best bet is to talk to an ad agency about how video best fits with your brand.

These are just broad questions to look at as you head into 2016. Each commercial construction company is different, and thus has different needs. Use this guide as a starting point – and when you’re ready to make the right changes to move your website forward, be sure to find a marketing partner that approaches your website strategically. It’s about more than making your company look good. The goal is to have a website that will help you grow.

Here’s to exponential growth in 2016!

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